Starting your thesis? It can be a daunting process to start with. There must be various questions going in your mind. There are different chapters in thesis writing and you have to do well in each chapter to do them justice with your thesis. Thesis writing is a long process that requires jotting down the knowledge appropriately. Whatever your research you have to explain it adding different variables to your study. It is all about what factors are affecting others.
Follow this road map and you will eventually end up with an amazing piece of the thesis, there are five major parts you have to fulfill;
This is the part where you start your thesis. Here you have to discuss your topic. You describe different variables (dependent and independent) that you have selected for your study and explain them in a different context. You follow your base paper in order to do explain everything well. An introduction will let the reader know what your thesis is all about and what he is going to get in it. Precise yet detailed.
Literature review
This is a crucial part where you mention the research paper relating to your topic. You collect numbers of the related article and explain it years wise. The literature review is the summarization of different article that gives information about your chosen variable and how they have been performed previously including their results and impact on other variables.
This is kind of a bit tough as you have to run here the software through which you can draw the desired results. Here you work on your questionnaire and get the audience responses to put the data in the software. You must know how to work on software in order to get the desired results. The most used is SPSS, Eviews and other related research software. There is an expert in thesis writing service in Pakistan who can help you with these software working.
Once you are done with methodology here you have to write the results by reading the impact of the independent and dependent variable. It is important to present the results carefully as it requires going with technicalities to read the values.
Here you recommend what else can be done with this study. Like, another variable can be selected to do further research. Or what we would have done to make this research better. Recommendation of the research helps other students to continue with your research in the future if anybody working on the same field and subjects.
References and appendix
These are the important part which authenticates that research has been performed properly. You add all the irrelevant but linked content in the appendix. However, in references, you mention the link of studied and followed articles.
Thesis structure is very important to follow as it is unlike those article writing or paper writing. It has its own process and heading without which it’s not acceptable.